What the Resurrection Means for Us

Readings for April 20, 2014: The Resurrection of the Lord, The Mass of Easter Sunday The serpent’s bite was a deadly one.  The venom had worked its way deep into the heart of the entire human race, doing its gruesome…

The Victory of Humility

Readings for April 13, 2014: Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion When a conquering hero of the ancient world rode into town in triumph, it was in a regal chariot or on the back of a stately stallion.  Legions of…

The Man Born Blind

Readings for March 30, 2014: Fourth Sunday of Lent The Lion of Judah is no tame lion.  Neither is he predictable. While walking along the streets of Jerusalem one day, Jesus sees a common enough sight in the Holy City. …

Lenten Fasting and Feasting

Some think Lent is a time for fasting.  I see it as a time of feasting. I come to this conclusion based on the story of the fig tree in Luke 13.  Three years without bearing fruit.  What could be…

The Original Meaning of Lent

Readings for March 23, 2014: Third Sunday of Lent Lent’s a time of introspection.  We read Exodus, and watch the Israelites grumbling, even after the amazing things God had done for them (Ex 17:3-7).  In them, we recognize ourselves. For…

Lenten Transfiguration

Readings for March 16, 2014: Second Sunday of Lent Imagine: you are ten years past customary retirement age.  It’s time finally to kick back and relax.  You live in a great city where everything is at your fingertips – shopping…

The Great Deception

Readings for March 9, 2014: First Sunday of Lent As I crossed the great divide of puberty, I formed a vivid image of God..  He was a grumpy old man on a throne with a frown on his face.  Every…

God and Money

Readings for March 2, 2014: Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time In the ancient world, most peoples believed in a universe populated by many gods.  However, even without the help of biblical revelation, Greek philosophers figured something out.  There could only…

Turn the Other Cheek?

Readings for February 23, 2014: Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time “Love your enemies.”  “Turn the other cheek.”  (Mat 5:38-40).  This sounds admirable to some, but preposterous to others.  The 19th century philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche thought such talk promotes a society…

Holiness of the Pharisees

Readings for February 16, 2014: Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time Radio talk show hosts make a living on it.  Show after show, they bring before our eyes stupid, unjust, and wasteful situations in order to incite outrage.  We love to…