Readings for June 15, 2015: Trinity Sunday Many are ready to give a polite nod of some sort to Jesus of Nazareth. Most honor him as a great moral teacher. Many even confess him as Savior. But the Incarnation of…
Readings for June 8, 2014: Pentecost Sunday As a teen, I thought the clergy were supposed to do everything. We laity were just called to pray, pay, and obey. Oh yes, and keep the commandments, of course. The original…
“Evangelism? That’s not my charism, not my personality.” “I need more education, first.” “I evangelize by example.” But the Second Vatican Council and all Popes since teach that all Catholics are called to evangelize in both deed and word. After…
Readings for June 1, 2014: The Ascension of the Lord The celebration of the Ascension used to leave me a bit flat. It was clear what Good Friday did for me. And Easter Sunday’s benefits were indisputable. But as for…
Readings for May 31, 2014: Feast of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary The Beatitudes rank high on the list of all-time favorite Bible passages. But what is “beatitude,” anyway? In the bible, a “blessed” person is someone…
Readings for May 25, 2014: Sixth Sunday of Easter He wore steel rimmed glasses and had hair to the middle of his back. The fringe on his buck-skinned jacket bounced as he walked. At least that was the way I…
Readings for May 18, 2014: Fifth Sunday of Easter “As long as you believe in God and try to be a good person, it doesn’t matter what religion you choose.” “There are different paths up the same mountain, but they…
Readings for May 11, 2014: Fourth Sunday of Easter The atheist philosopher of the 19th century, Friedrich Nietzsche, once said: “if Christians want me to believe in their redeemer, they need to look more redeemed.” He was drawing the wrong…
Readings for May 4, 2014: Third Sunday of Easter What a disappointment! They thought they’d found the Messiah. But he’d been trapped like an animal and executed as a criminal. Up until his very last breath, they had hoped he’d…
Readings for April 27, 2014: Second Sunday of Easter; Sunday of Divine Mercy The Gospels tell an incredible story. A virginal conception. Miraculous healings. Even people coming back from the dead. How are we to know that it’s not all…