Come Away With Me

In today’s Gospel, the disciples have just returned from a mission that Jesus sent them on. They were excited, and eager to tell Jesus everything that had happened, but they were also tired. Knowing their need for rest, Jesus invited them away from the crowds gathered round about them, to spend time alone with Him. How they must have longed for the time and space to speak alone with Jesus, without interruption!
We need that time alone with Jesus too. As disciples of Christ we are called out into the world to serve God and serve each other. Often we fulfill that call in the ordinary duties of our station in life, at work and within our families, other times we are involved in our parish ministries ad in volunteer work in the larger community that surrounds us. All of this business can leave us scattered and exhausted, emotionally unable to cope with one more task or one more needy person.
It is at this point that Jesus will call us too, to come away with Him and rest. It is so important that we take time to go away by ourselves on retreat. It is good to get away from home for a weekend, or even a week if possible. The change of environment can make it easier to slow down, take a deep breath and really rest in Christ, allowing Him to restore us to emotional and spiritual health.
It is even more important to remember, once we return home, to take time every day to come away with Jesus in solitude and quiet. It is then that we can really pray, telling Him all our worries and joys, and listen for His response. Without this daily time of silence, we may soon find ourselves as stressed and troubled as we were before going on retreat.
Lent is almost here. This year, instead of giving up chocolate or sweets, or another treat, why not add something to your spiritual routine. Plan to spend 15 minutes a day, every day, alone with Christ in prayer. This daily retreat will allow Christ to draw you closer to Him, filling your spiritual needs, so that His light can shine more clearly through you.

Carol Ann Chybowski

Carol Ann Chybowski

Carol Ann Chybowski is a long time member of the Catholic Writers Guild. She has published book reviews at various websites and appears in two volumes of A Community of Voices: An Anthology of Santa Barbara. When not busy about her parish, Carol Ann can be found knitting, gardening, or on horseback.

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