The Most Important Work I Do

Time for a guilty confession: I like to think I’m important.

In my defense, I am. The problem is, I like to think I’m important to people other than my husband and my kids and my family and friends.

In my self-importance, I get caught up in what I’m doing: the work of writing and blogging, the parish job and ministries, the stuff outside my home. I know my big-V vocation is important: I’m a wife and mother first.

But does my life reflect that?

Well, no. It can use some improvement.

As I continue to contemplate the New Evangelization, I keep coming back to the work I do and how it’s important.

I post updates. I blog. I pin and tweet and share.

I’m all about evangelizing. I’m all about using new ways to do it.

But the important stuff? That happens in the wee hours of the morning, before anyone’s awake and the sun is just cresting the horizon. That happens when my phone explodes throughout the day in a ringtone that calls me to my knees. That happens when I make time to spend time with He who gave me everything I have.

Prayer. That’s the most important work I do.

As we gather to consider the New Evangelization, let’s not forget to pray first, second, and third. Let’s not fail to make our conversation with God–a two-way conversation of talking and listening–our top priority.

How else are we going to be able to evangelize?
Copyright © 2012, Sarah Reinhard

Sarah Reinhard

Sarah Reinhard

Sarah Reinhard continues to be shocked and delighted that her life as a grown-up involve horses, writing, and sparkly dress shoes. In her work in the New Evangelization as a Catholic wife, mom, writer, parish employee, and catechist, she’s learned a lot of lessons, had a lot of laughs, and consumed mass amounts of coffee. She’s online at and, and is the author of a number of books.

One response to “The Most Important Work I Do”

  1. […] Our most important evangelization efforts begin before we leave our homes. […]

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