Jubilee Year 2025

This is the Year of Jubilee! The Jubilee is an ancient tradition from the times of the Old Testament. It was a special time that occurred once every 50 years. During a Jubilee, all land was returned to its ancestral…

Laws of Man, Laws of God

I am sometimes asked the question, “Is it a sin to break the law?” The general answer is yes, but there is an important exception. Civil laws are the ones enacted by the legitimate authorities of our land. As Christians,…

The Unity of Man and Woman in Genesis

In the second chapter of Genesis, we hear about how God created the woman out of the man. One of the most important points to grasp from this story is how men and women are made to be equal in…

A Conversation About the Virgin Birth that Really Was

Just in time for Christians all over the world to celebrate the birth of Our Savior, the New York Times published an article titled “A Conversation About the Virgin Birth that Maybe Wasn’t” The purpose of the article was quite…

The Truth of Myth

You will often hear that the Creation stories in the Bible are “myths.” For some people, this is very challenging to hear. To the modern ear “myth” means “a story that is not true.” You can see this play out…

Advent and the Apocalypse

Happy Advent! We are now in that blessed season where we prepare for Christmas. Some you have already trimmed the tree and started your Christmas shopping. Everywhere you go, you are bombarded by the constant sound of Christmas music (probably…

Martin Luther Misunderstands Grace

Several hundred years ago, Martin Luther led a revolt that today we call the Protestant Reformation. There are several areas of contention to be found between Luther and the Catholic Church. Sadly, Luther made some very astute points about corruption…

The “Messed Up” Stories of the Bible

I was teaching the story of Sodom and Gammorah in class last week. For those unfamiliar, two angels who look like men go to the house of Lot in the city of Sodom to see if there are at least…

We Are Saved By Grace Alone

“I can earn my way to heaven.” This statement may not be something that any of us would say out loud. And yet, I bet that if I did a little questioning, I would find this assumption laying underneath my…

Augustine’s War of the Heart

“I was groaning in spirit and shaken by violent anger because I could form no resolve to enter into a covenant with you, though in my bones I knew that this was what I ought to do.” St. Augustine is…